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10. What were the last minute prep/changes that you had to make for your racer? (touch up paint, tap

Some last minute changes that I had to do to my car were, last minute touch up painting, sanding, and assembling the wheels. Because our class ran out of yellow paint I had to finish painting the car before we actually raced so I added some finishing touches including the theme song along the sides of the dragster. Also, I had to do some last minute sanding because our small, front wheels all had a notch so the notch had to be sanded so the wheels are smooth throughout and the dragster is able to run smoothly, else wise the dragster would not have been able to move smoothly and thus reducing the speed it travels at due to an obstacle. Finally, as my last minute prep I had to attach the wheels to the dragster because I was unable to do so due to the shortage of time therefore the wheels were assembled last minute. Basically other than these three last minute prep and changes, my dragster was done.

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