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2. What principals/measurements did you use when drawing your drafts? Describe, in detail how Newton

According to newton's law of motion, acceleration is dependent on the mass and force of the car. Since the force for all the cars would have been the same because the same co2 cartridge is being utilized, the only thing that i could tweak and alter in order to obtain high acceleration was to reduce the mass. This being said, I tried to eliminate as much of the wood as possible so that the car had less mass but at the same time i tried to ensure that the car isn't too fragile. Ultimately, I chose the design that was the one with the least mass and the most creative design that does not have a lot of drag acting upon the vehicle and is very aerodynamic. Newton's law which states that "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction" can be well demonstrated in my car. For gravity that is acting upon the dragster and is pulling it down, there is a normal force that is pushing up at the same time which balances the forces. Moreover, for aerodynamics acting on the dragster which helps with the speed of the dragster, there is also the drag of the car that is resisting the wind moving over it and therefore slowing it down. If there is a lot of drag on the car, the car will have a slow speed but if the car has the aerodynamics such as my cars, there is little drag which therefore means a faster speed. Also, the co2 cartridge provides a great thrust which is the sudden push the car gets when the co2 is released which enables it to move faster and at the same time the drag of the car pulls it back when the wind pushes the car which slows it down too, so having a great trust and a low drag enables the car to move fast.

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