5. Explain the process of the rough cutting. Describe how close your rough cutting is to the drawing
In the rough cutting process we had to make use of hand saws in order to get the rough cuts of our car which is basically cutting off the wood but very roughly just so you get all the large pieces of wood cut and so later when we are sanding it, we can make more precise shaping. This stage in the building of the entire co2 dragster was one of the toughest, tedious and precise stages because they required great force in order to cut those large pieces of wood by hand, and because they had to be cut by hand this was the most tedious process because it was time consuming in order to get those precise cuts and not cut too deep into the sketch. Basically, in this process, the sketch from the grid paper was cut out and traced on the side and top of the wooden piece, then lines in order to make the precise and accurate cuts with the hand saw where made at 10 mm apart and all the large portions of wood were cut off, leaving the smaller pieces that could be sanded off, behind. Overall, the rough cutting was pretty close to the actual drawings because I made sure I cut as closely as possible to the traced lines while ensuring that I don't cut a bit too deeply into my wood while attempting to do so. From this point in the project, after the rough cutting you are suppose to move on to the sanding and shaping stage of the process that does the more precise cutting and shaping of the car.